Really?! You've got to be KIDDING ME!!!!!!!

Jell'o Everyone!!

So, I kind of have this thing where I run late to certain things, like birthday dinners etc ... I am getting better lol. It's like something always comes up BUT I'm NEVER and I repeat NEVER am late to school or clinicals. I normally have class at 9am and since traffic is sooooo bad in Atlanta I wake up around 4am, leave at 5am and arrive to campus around 5:45am and sometimes 6am. I use that time to study!! I avoid traffic and have study time without distractions, that's always a WIN!!!! It's seriously what it takes.

So, with that said let me tell you what happened (I apologize for any TMI lol) ......
Let's back track to where it all started. January 9, 2017 (Monday) I had class from 9a-4p. Meaning that I was up at 4a and didn't make it home until about 6p. I had a killer migraine! Unfortunately, I get those often :(. There's nothing I can really take to help and when it's really really bad I take a sleep-aid like Zzquil to help me sleep it off. Well, I took some as soon as I got home, knowing that I would get to bed by 9pm the latest and have enough time to sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to conquer my first clinical day!

YEA RIGHT! I head to bed on time with lunch packed & bags ready. I iron my scrubs (you never know who you might run into in the clinical setting) and because I was too tired I decided I would iron my scrubs in the morning .... BAD IDEA! I am sound asleep and I wake up to a sharp pain. My stomach is killing me. It's so bad that I can't lay down. I ended up in the toilet for 45 mins (S#&T happens, lol)!!!! TMI but I had THE worst diarrhea EVER! I intend to go back to bed and the pain decides that it's not done with me yet. Long story short I am up until 3am!! I have to wake up in 1 hour!!! I decide to shower and get to bed. I'm still super sleepy due to the Zzquil and need to sleep at least an hour. I must have turned off my alarm and wake up frantically!!!! Let me remind you that I was supposed to leave my house at 5am ...... when I woke up it was 5:38am. ALREADY LATE! I brushed my teeth, ironed my scrubs and left. No make up, no hair done .... nothing! I have an hour drive and have to make it in 30 mins! I am literally losing my mind. Let me remind you that this is my first day at this clinical. HORRIBLE. I won't even tell you how fast I drove (please don't ever drive like a lunatic). I had to call my professor and explain what happened in complete embarrassment. Thankfully she was very understanding. I ended up arriving 15 mins late, instead of the estimated 35-45 mins late.

Unfortunately, there are somethings you just can't plan for. Things happen that are so unexpected you just don't know what to do but just do the best you can, even in a frantic state of mind. Had I not had everything ready I wouldn't of made it in the time I did. We may have bad days that are out of our control but you must move on. The rest of that day went awesome.

I got to hear what rhonchi truly sounds like, what diminished breath sounds are, talk to a Pulmonologist regarding a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) & possible lung transplant. I loved the nurse I was paired with. Not a good start but it ended up being an awesome day one.

I have been just fine since the occurrence. LOL. Thank God. I just finished my clinical day 2 and will tell you all about it shortly. I made it early and had no TMI situations :) YAY ME!



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