Back to the FUTURE!!!

Jell'o Everyone!!

Back to the future!! Time to brush off the laziness that comes with "the break" and get back to the books and work on my future.

So, a little on my break ... I was born in the Bronx, NY and majority of my family still resides there. My husband is also from NY and we decided to spend a week there. We visit as often as we can and we were so excited about this trip. Long story short we spent a good two days and the rest of the week .... we were SICK! Uuuhhggg! Who gets sick on vacation?! Obviously us. Not fun. I did get a lot of sleep so I must say, the extra sleep was a win. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas & are having a Happy New Year.

Now to get you all with the program ... my first day back was yesterday. I had an exam yesterday and today I had another one. Medication Calculation. That is probably one of the most stressful exams. Passing is the only option (no pressure right). This accelerated program thing is NO JOKE! There were days when I loved seeing holidays in school schedules. It meant I had a break ... now it just means I have an extra workload. My school is a lot different from the traditional. It's an accelerated program which means we don't have 16 weeks to complete classes, instead we get 8 weeks. It really translates into 7 weeks because week 8 is for finals. Well, we had Monday the 2nd off due to the new year and we have Monday 16th (my dirty thirty :) off for MLK. I currently have Monday & Wednesday classes and if you remove two Mondays it's equivalent to an entire week. 6 weeks for pharmacology and Med-Surg 1 is pure insanity. But I will get through it. I apologize in advance for any lack of updates. It's going to be tough. Ooo and did I mention that I start my 12 hour shifts (for clinical) this upcoming Tuesday? Well, I am! It's going to be a tough January and February but I'll pull through. God knows I'm a nursing student. He hears my prayers often lol.

I'm stressed already, excited yet nervous for this clinical but I'm ready to hit the ground running. 2017 is another year to grind! To get closer to my dreams! So, like I said in my last post ... invest in your dreams and you'll be amazed at what you can do! God has brought me this far and He'll get me to the finish line.

Stay motivated!



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