The Sooner the BETTER!!!!!!!!

Jell'O Everyone!!!

So, I really wanted to have a blog where I can help you exceed in your classes before you get there. How can you prepare for a class you haven't even stepped foot in. If someone would have told me this prior to nursing school ...... It would have helped IMMENSELY!!! Here's a few tips.

I should start off by saying that you will learn as you go. There's only so much you can do before hand but the small stuff really does help. Start with memorizing your lab values. Those are things that you have learn now. The downside to that is that not all lab values are consistent. It changes a bit depending on what textbook you have but for the most part they are all within the same range. So start learning those. MEMORIZE THEM!!! I didn't know to do that prior to and I kind of struggle with memorizing them due to having to memorize all the drugs we're currently being taught in pharmacology. Know your lab values!!! Here's a few to know: Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus), PTT, INR, normal glucose levels, all your vitals (blood pressure, temperature, respiration rate, pulse, heart rate). Go to a book store like Barnes & Nobles and buy a nursing book with values and look at it often. Learn them little by little and by the time you get to certain classes where they'll be teaching you on those you will already know them. One less thing to study.

Go to google and figure out what are the top 50 prescribed medications in the U.S. LEARN THEM! You may or may not have to memorize them when you go to pharmacology but guess what? .... Chances are you will and most likely wayyyyyyyyyy more than 50 drugs. So why not have the upper hand and start working on that now. Learn the generic name, what's it for, contraindications and significant adverse effects.

Go back and review your anatomy and physiology. Go over your organs again. Have that ingrained in your skull (ok not really but you know what I mean). This is only going to help you. YOU'LL THANK ME LATER!

Pinterest has a ton of nursing images with helpful information. It is definitely helpful for visual learners. One of my professors uses them in her power points. Look them up and start learning them. I'm sure you all will do awesome! Hope that helps!



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