Jell'o Everyone!!!!!!!!!

Seriously?! I have been M.I.A. but I'm back. Listen it has been a whirlwind!!! The further I go the crazier it gets & I LOVE IT!! .... Let me go back in time and tell you what's been going on with me.

So I left off telling you all about that one time I was a guest speaker :) and at that point I was taking Health Assessment I & Lab and Fundamentals I & Lab. It was a really tough session but I managed to get through it and so did some of my friends (I'll get back to that).

Fundamentals is exactly that, the fundamentals of nursing. The basics of nursing, and let me tell you, there is A LOT to learn in this class. This is the foundation of the rest of your nursing career. I would say that partnering up Health Assessment with this class has been a great idea! In Health Assessment, we started learning how to assess a patient. How to walk into a room and start assessing your patient the moment you lay eyes on them. Ask the correct questions and tie it back to pathophysiology, understand more abnormalities and what it means, and be able to differ between things that can easily be confused but are soooooooo different.

Like, what are the signs in a hemorrhagic stroke and an ischemic stroke? How do they differ? How do you assess this patient? What are you looking for? What is going on? What is venous insufficiency vs. arterial insufficiency? What is DVT and does is stem from venous insufficiency or arterial insufficiency? What are the signs & symptoms? How do you assess this? SOOOOO MUCH TO LEARN!!

So then we have labs. In health assessment I, we learned to do a head to chest assessment on our lab partner (that's another story) and how to start charting. In the assessment we learned about assessing for tons of different things, here's a few: assessing the eyes (6 cardinal fields of gaze), assessing the equilibrium (Romberg test), assessing the pupils (PERRLA), assessing the heart sounds (aortic, pulmonic, Erbs point, tricuspid and apical) and tons more! Look those up if you aren't familiar with these. It's always fun to be able to peek into the future and get a little ahead. :) You're welcome!

In fundamentals lab we did A LOT of super fun stuff. I learned how to do a urinary foley catheter, nasogastric tube, vital signs etc. It was awesome to be able to learn in lecture but also be able to put it into perspective in lab. It really helped with understanding the information more, mainly more so for kinesthetic learners like myself. The exams did get tougher. They are more situational and the answer options are so similar that it's easy to get it wrong (next blog will discuss this and the other two cliff hangers lol).

Health Assessment I and Fundamentals I = hard work but so awesome! I've advanced to Health Assessment II and Fundamentals II. Yayyyy!!!! ........ So you're almost caught up. Hurry up and read the nxt blog (well if you're reading this at 7:35pm 11/10/16, wait til I'm done writing it .... in the works lol). Too much for one blog.



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