GROUP PROJECTS Drive me to ......

Jell'o Everyone!!!!!!

feel intense or passionate dislike for (GROUP PROJECTS)

Yes. It is completely safe to say that I (NurseMimiii) hate group projects! I've hated them before nursing school and I hate them now. Anyone feel the same way? I am not completely sure if it's the Latin blood in me but, man I just don't seem to care for these. I don't like anyone having any say in MY performance. I don't like for others' performance to be involved or considered in MY grade AT ALL!

Here's how my first group project went:

Wednesday we get assigned groups and topic. We are to go over a portion of our book and present it to the class. Sounds pretty easy, right? FALSE! We don't have class again until Monday (when the project is due & the presentation occurs). I'm automatically thinking the following: we all individually read the section of the book, we meet up one day during the weekend to put it all together, run through the presentation to make sure we're in our allotted time (15 mins max), and finally meet up an hr before class to go through final draft and be ready. FALSE!! Why would I think that adults in nursing school would plan ahead? Wednesday after class we go over topic briefly. Mark volunteers to create the short power point and send it Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and nothing. I text everyone and ask when they're available to meet (it's 4 of us) and we conclude that Sunday would work. Felicia sends a rough draft and that makes up for Mark. Alright! We're doing good so far. It's now Sunday. Worship service was AMAZING! God knew I would need the extra push, lol. Mark says, sorry ladies I won't be able to make it. He has a prior engagement he just remembered! .... I know that things happen and we proceed without him. It literally took us close to an hour to figure out where to meet and about 45 mins to figure out a time. Keep in mind, this is all occurring while I'm trying to have lunch with my sweet husband. I might of even been short with him (Sorry babe). Finally, location and time is set! I'm about 30 mins from the location decided and exactly 30 mins before the time we set, I text everyone to make sure we're still on. FALSE! That is no longer happening. Time had to be pushed back 45 mins. GEES-LAAA-WEEZZEE! We met up, get a better power point and head our separate ways. The following day is Monday (the day project is due & presentation occurs). I remind them that I will be on campus at 7:30am. Class doesn't start til 9am but if you live in Atlanta, you know traffic is no joke! What normally takes you 30 mins can easily take you 2 hours in the morning, and I was not going to be the one to blame for falling short on presentation day.

Monday is finally here! I park at 7:40 am (ok so I was off by 10 mins). Mark sends a text and lets us know that he has also arrived on campus. Now to wait for Felicia and Sally. Felicia calls and says that she will be there around 8:30 am. I'm already feeling the anxiety build. Did I mention that she had the last final draft and didn't quite send it? INHALE, EXHALE! 8:30 am rolls around and sure enough, Sally and Felicia do show up. Praise God! Felicia decides she has to add some more pictures and edit some other part. Time is clearly ticking and I'm still keeping my composure. 8:45 am!!! We still haven't done the final run through and no one has a specific point to go over. Felicia says " We can all just chime in as we go". WOOO SAAAHHH. That sounds like a mess to me. The presentation should only be 15 mins but now we don't even have that time available because it has to be submitted by 8:59 am and we still have to go to class and make it there by 9 am or get points taken off for being late. I'm now just concerned with it being submitted. 8:50 and I'm like hey, just submit it and we can go over it after, just make sure it's submitted ..... WIFI IS DOWN! .... omg! I encountered the same issue when I first arrived on campus. Disconnect and then connect and that should solve the problem. She proceeds to submit and it went through. FALSE! She then disconnects and connects. Problem solved. She then logs in to the submission website and the file won't upload! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I'm about to lose it! 8:58 am. I'm now late and nothing is submitted with one minute left. All my stuff is packed up at this point. I'm like girl, JUST EMAIL IT! Email the professor and submit after. Just make sure she has it. I give her the professors email and it's sent 9:02 am! I'M LATE! I literally grab my stuff and say "I really need to be in class, I will meet you all there". Not completely sure the professor got the power point I rush into the room. As soon as I have a seat the professor starts and says, "Lets, begin! I have all 10 power points and we are good to go".

I almost had a panic attack!
Yes. It is completely safe to say that I (NurseMimiii) hate group projects!



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