Nursing School is a thing of the past?!? ...... Sayyyy Waaaaa

Jell'o Everyone!


So yes I started this blog to share my experience throughout nursing school BUT it got real, really quick and I couldn't quite keep up with blogging. I'm back now and willing to spill my guts on here to help those wanting to get more information on my journey. If you want information regarding nursing school, your significant other is interested in nursing school, you have no idea what nursing school is all about, anything in between OR you are curious to just read my junk ..... this blog is for you :).

I'll be updating my blog with tons of great information. If you're reading let me know! If you have questions feel free to ask and I'll answer as best I can. NurseMimiii is back and back to stay. I'll start with my NCLEX experience. It was insanity to say the least.

- NurseMimiii


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