GROUP PROJECTS Drive me to ......
Jell'o Everyone!!!!!! Hate: / hāt / feel intense or passionate dislike for (GROUP PROJECTS) Yes. It is completely safe to say that I (NurseMimiii) hate group projects! I've hated them before nursing school and I hate them now. Anyone feel the same way? I am not completely sure if it's the Latin blood in me but, man I just don't seem to care for these. I don't like anyone having any say in MY performance. I don't like for others' performance to be involved or considered in MY grade AT ALL! Here's how my first group project went: Wednesday we get assigned groups and topic. We are to go over a portion of our book and present it to the class. Sounds pretty easy, right? FALSE! We don't have class again until Monday (when the project is due & the presentation occurs). I'm automatically thinking the following: we all individually read the section of the book, we meet up one day during the weekend to put it all together, run through the pr...