Pathophysiology, Uniforms & Stethoscopes.
Jell'o Everyone!!!! It's been about 3 weeks. YIKES!! Busy, busy, busy. Studying of course. :) As you may already guessed, I started patho! I am learning so much and truly enjoying it. There's sooooo much material that all I have time for is patho. It's getting tougher but I saw a "meme" that made me laugh but it's true. It truly made me think. It said "Nursing isn't for sissies", and I agreed with it. This is still the beginning of my journey but it hasn't been easy getting here. I feel that it's a lot of work, commitment and sacrifice but nothing good comes easy right? In all, it's definitely getting tougher but I am truly enjoying it. Getting organized, color coding and time management makes it a lot more manageable! I'll let u all know how patho continues to go for me. Uniforms!!!! I ordered my nursing school uniforms and was seriously tracking that package. Arrival said it would arrive tuesday (end of day), which mean...